9 Common Things That Are 5 Centimeters Long


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Things That Are 5 Centimeters Long

Have you ever wondered how long is 5 centimeters and what everyday items measure this length? This seemingly arbitrary measurement plays a crucial role in the design and functionality of numerous objects we encounter daily.

Join us on a fascinating exploration of the world of 5 centimeter items, and you’ll never look at these mundane objects the same way again.

Understanding 5 cm

Before we dive into our list of 5-centimeter objects, let’s get a clear picture of what this measurement actually means. Five centimeters is a unit of length in the metric system, which is used by most countries worldwide. To put it in perspective:

  • 5 centimeters = 50 millimeters
  • 5 centimeters ≈ 1.97 inches

For those more familiar with the imperial system, 5 centimeters is just shy of 2 inches. It’s a length that fits comfortably between your thumb and index finger when you make an “OK” sign.

how big is 5cm or what does 5 cm look like

If you’re wondering how big is 5cm or what does 5 cm look like, it’s about the width of an adult’s thumb or the length of a standard paperclip. Understanding this centimeter measurement can help you visualize everyday objects more easily.

Visualizing 5 Centimeters

To help you visualize this length, imagine:

  • The width of your thumb (approximately)
  • The length of a large paperclip
  • The diameter of a golf ball

When considering what is 5 cm long, think about common items you use daily. A standard golf tee, the width of a Post-It note, or the length of a stick of gum are all excellent examples of objects that are approximately 5 centimeters long.

Now that we have a clear understanding of how long 5 centimeters is, let’s explore nine common items that measure exactly this length.

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9 Common Objects Measuring 5 Centimeters

1. The Humble Golf Tee


While standard golf tees are typically 7 to 10 cm long, the usable portion that protrudes from the ground is often around 5 cm. This length provides the optimal ball elevation for most golf shots.

History: The modern golf tee was invented in 1899 by Dr. George Franklin Grant, an African American dentist and avid golfer. Prior to his invention, golfers would create small mounds of sand to elevate their balls.

Design: The 5 centimeter length of a standard golf tee (above ground) is no accident. This size allows for:

  1. Proper ball elevation
  2. Stability in various ground conditions
  3. Easy removal after use

Fun Fact: The world record for the longest golf tee drive is 476 yards (435 meters), set by Michael Furrh in 2017.

2. A Standard Guitar Pick


Guitar picks, those small plastic triangles used to strum or pluck guitar strings, typically measure around 5 centimeters in length. This size has been found to be optimal for most players, offering a balance between control and comfort.

Pick Sizes:

SizeLength (cm)Common Use
Extra Small2.5 – 3Precise playing, fast solos
Small3 – 4Lead guitar, intricate patterns
Medium4 – 5Versatile, all-around use
Large5 – 6Rhythm guitar, strumming

The 5 centimeter length falls into the “medium to large” category, making it ideal for a wide range of playing styles. This size allows for:

  • Comfortable grip
  • Effective string attack
  • Versatility across different guitar types

Impact on Sound: The size of a guitar pick can significantly affect the tone produced. Larger picks like the 5 centimeter variety tend to create a fuller, warmer tone, while smaller picks often produce a brighter, crisper sound.

3. The Width of a Post-It Note

Post-It Note 5 CM

Post-it Notes, those ubiquitous sticky notes found in offices worldwide, measure exactly 5 centimeters in width. This size has become so standard that it’s hard to imagine these notes being any other dimension.

Design History:

  1. Invented accidentally by Dr. Spencer Silver in 1968 while attempting to create a super-strong adhesive
  2. Initially met with skepticism until Art Fry, a colleague, used them to mark pages in his hymn book
  3. Launched commercially in 1977 as “Press ‘n Peel”
  4. Rebranded as “Post-It Notes” in 1980

Why 5 Centimeters Works:

  • Easy to handle and manipulate
  • Fits comfortably on most document margins
  • Large enough for quick notes, small enough to be unobtrusive

Did You Know?: The original Post-It Note color was yellow because it was the only scrap paper available in the lab where prototypes were being made.

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4. A Tea Light Candle’s Diameter

Tea light candles, those small, circular candles often used in decorative holders or warmers, some larger tea light candles might approach 5 cm, most standard ones are about 3.8 cm. This standardized size allows for universal compatibility with tea light holders and warmers.

The Science of Candle Sizes:
The 5 centimeter diameter of tea lights is carefully calculated to provide:

  1. Optimal burn time (usually 3-4 hours)
  2. Safe, controlled flame
  3. Efficient wax consumption

Burn Time vs. Diameter:

Diameter (cm)Typical Burn Time (hours)

Interesting Fact: Despite their name, tea lights were not originally designed for warming tea. They were first created in Japan in the 1970s as a decorative light source.

5. The Length of a House Key


Most standard house keys measure around 5 centimeters in length. This seemingly arbitrary size is actually the result of centuries of lock and key evolution.

Key Design Evolution:

  1. Ancient Egyptian wooden pin locks (c. 4000 BCE)
  2. Roman metal keys (c. 1st century CE)
  3. Ward locks in Medieval Europe
  4. Modern pin tumbler locks (invented 1848)

The 5 centimeters length of modern house keys provides:

  • Enough length for complex key patterns
  • Comfortable handling and turning
  • Compatibility with most key rings and pockets

Case Study: In 2004, the Schlage lock company conducted a study on key ergonomics. They found that keys between 4.5 and 5.5 centimeters in length were the most comfortable for the average adult hand to manipulate.

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6. A Sugar Cube’s Diagonal

sugar cubes 5 cm

While sugar cubes come in various sizes, many standard sugar cubes have a diagonal measurement of approximately 5 centimeters. This precise size is the result of careful manufacturing processes designed to create uniform, easily dissolvable cubes.

Sugar Cube Manufacturing:

  1. Sugar is moistened and pressed into molds
  2. Cubes are dried and cut to exact specifications
  3. Quality control ensures uniformity

Why Cube Shape Matters:
The cube shape, with its 5-centimeter diagonal, offers several advantages:

  • Consistent dissolution rate
  • Easy portion control
  • Stackability for packaging and storage

Fun Fact: Sugar cubes were invented in 1843 by Jakob Kryštof Rad, the director of a sugar factory in Dačice, Moravia (now part of the Czech Republic).

7. The Diameter of a Table Tennis Ball

Table Tennis Ball 5 CM

Table tennis, or ping pong, balls are required by international standards to have a diameter of 40 millimeters, which is just 1 millimeter shy of 5 centimeters. This precise size is crucial for maintaining consistency in gameplay.

International Standards:
The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) stipulates:

  • Diameter: 40mm (±0.25mm)
  • Weight: 2.7g (±0.1g)
  • Material: Celluloid or similar plastic

Impact on Gameplay:
The 40mm size, nearly 5 centimeters, affects:

  1. Ball speed
  2. Spin characteristics
  3. Air resistance

Historical Note: Before 2000, the official diameter was 38mm. The change to 40mm was made to slow down the game slightly and make it more telegenic for television broadcasts.

8. The Width of an AA Battery

AA Battery 5 CM

AA batteries, one of the most common battery sizes, have a standard width of 14.5mm, or 1.45 centimeters. While this isn’t exactly 5 centimeters, three AA batteries lined up side by side measure almost precisely 5 centimeters in width.

Battery Size Standardization:
The AA battery size was standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1947. The dimensions are:

  • Width: 14.5mm (1.45cm)
  • Length: 50.5mm (5.05cm)

Why This Width Matters:

  1. Ensures compatibility across devices
  2. Allows for efficient packaging
  3. Optimizes power output for common electronics

Interesting Fact: The “AA” designation doesn’t stand for anything specific. It’s simply a size classification that follows the “AAA” size.

9. The Length of a Stick of Chewing Gum 5 centimeters

Chewing Gum 5CM

Many popular brands of stick gum measure almost exactly 5 centimeters in length. This size has been determined through years of market research and consumer preference studies.

Evolution of Gum Packaging:

  1. 1880s: Wrigley’s introduces stick gum
  2. 1960s: Foil wrapping becomes standard
  3. 1970s-present: Blister packs gain popularity

Why 5 Centimeters Works:

  • Comfortable fit in the mouth
  • Adequate flavor delivery
  • Efficient packaging

Flavor Release and Size:
The 5-centimeter length allows for optimal flavor release over time:

  1. Initial burst of flavor (first 2-3 minutes)
  2. Sustained flavor release (next 10-15 minutes)
  3. Gradual flavor decline

Quote: “The size of a stick of gum is a delicate balance between flavor intensity, chewing comfort, and packaging efficiency.” – Dr. Samantha Lee, Food Scientist at Wrigley’s

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Additional 5 Centimeter Objects

To further illustrate how long 5 centimeters is, here are some more everyday items that measure approximately this length:

  1. USB Flash Drive: Many standard USB drives are close to 5 centimeters in length, balancing storage capacity with portability.
  2. Matchstick: A typical matchstick measures around 5 centimeters, providing enough length for safe handling and efficient burning.
  3. American Dollar Coins: While not exactly 5 centimeters, the diameter of most American dollar coins is close to this length, making them easy to handle and stack.
  4. Chalk: A standard piece of classroom chalk is often 5 centimeters long, perfect for writing on blackboards and easily held in hand.
  5. Large Paperclip: Many large paperclips measure 5 centimeters when straightened, ideal for organizing multiple sheets of paper.
  6. Credit Card Height: The height of a standard credit card is very close to 5 centimeters, designed to fit comfortably in wallets and card readers.
  7. Sewing Needle: Many sewing needles are approximately 5 centimeters long, providing enough length for easy threading and maneuvering through fabric.
  8. Popsicle Stick: The width of a typical popsicle stick is often close to 5 centimeters, perfect for holding frozen treats and craft projects alike.

The Surprising Prevalence of 5 centimeter Objects

The prevalence of 5-centimeter objects in our daily lives is no coincidence. This length has proven to be particularly useful in design and manufacturing for several reasons:

  1. Ergonomics: 5 centimeters is a comfortable size for human hands to manipulate.
  2. Portability: Objects of this size are easily carried in pockets or small containers.
  3. Versatility: 5 centimeters provides enough length for functionality without being cumbersome.

The Psychology of Size Perception

Our perception of size is heavily influenced by context and comparison. Five centimeters hits a sweet spot in human perception – it’s small enough to be considered compact, yet large enough to be easily visible and manipulable.

Research Insight: A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that people tend to overestimate the size of objects smaller than 5 centimeters and underestimate the size of objects larger than 10 centimeters. The 5-10 centimeter range appears to be a “Goldilocks zone” for accurate size perception.

DIY 5cm Measurement Tools

Now that you’re aware of the prevalence of 5-centimeter objects, you might want to have a handy reference. Here are some DIY methods to always have a 5cm measurement tool at your disposal:

  1. Use Your Body: For many people, the width of three fingers (index, middle, ring) when held together is approximately 5 centimeters.
  2. Create a Reference Card: Cut a small piece of cardboard or sturdy paper to exactly 5 centimeters. Keep it in your wallet for quick reference.
  3. Smartphone Apps: Many smartphones now come with built-in measurement tools that use the camera to gauge distances. While not always perfectly accurate, they can be a useful approximation.

The Impact of 5cm Objects on Our Lives

The ubiquity of 5-centimeter objects extends beyond just common household items. This length plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives:

In Technology

Many technological components are designed around the 5-centimeter measurement:

  • USB Flash Drives: As mentioned earlier, many standard USB drives are close to 5 centimeters in length, balancing storage capacity with portability.
  • SIM Cards: While SIM cards themselves are much smaller, the full SIM card (before being punched out) is often close to 5 centimeters in one dimension.

In Nature

Interestingly, 5 centimeters is a common size in the natural world as well:

  • Insects: Many common beetles can be around 5 centimeters in length, while some butterflies have a wingspan that can exceed this size, typically ranging from about 5 to 10 centimeters, depending on the species.
  • Flower Petals: Several popular flower species, such as daisies and tulips, often have petals measuring close to 5 centimeters.

In Art and Design

The 5-centimeter length is often used as a standard unit in various forms of art and design:

  • Photography: 5×5 centimeter prints are a popular size for instant cameras and small framed photos.
  • Textile Design: Many fabric patterns repeat every 5 centimeters, creating a balanced and visually pleasing effect.


As we’ve explored the world of 5-centimeter objects, it’s clear that this length plays a significant role in our daily lives. From golf tees to chewing gum, USB flash drives to matchsticks, these perfectly sized items make our lives easier and more efficient. The next time you encounter a 5-centimeter object, take a moment to appreciate its thoughtful design and engineering. Understanding how long 5 centimeters is can give you a new perspective on the world around you.

Interactive Element: 5cm Scavenger Hunt

Now that you’re aware of the prevalence of 5-centimeter objects, why not turn this knowledge into a fun activity? Here’s a challenge for you:

Take a look around your immediate surroundings.

Try to identify as many objects as you can that measure approximately 5 centimeters in at least one dimension.

Keep a list of what you find.

Share your discoveries in the comments below!

You might be surprised at how many 5-centimeter objects you can find once you start looking. Happy hunting!

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