9 Things That Are 80 Feet (ft) Long


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Ever wondered what’s as long as 13 grown men lying head-to-toe? Welcome to the wild world of80-foot wonders! Whether you’re a size enthusiast or just someone who likes their facts super-sized, this article is your ticket to becoming the ultimate 80-foot aficionado.

Visualizing 80 Feet: A Comprehensive Guide

“80 feet” Before we dive into our list of 80-foot marvels, let’s take a moment to wrap our heads around this impressive length. Visualizing 80 feet in length can be tricky, but with a few comparisons, we’ll have you estimating lengths like a pro in no time.

To put 80 feet into perspective, consider the following:

  • It’s the height of an eight-story building
  • Approximately 24.4 meters or 26.67 yards
  • About 1/3 the height of the Statue of Liberty
  • The length of 4 standard city buses parked bumper to bumper
  • Roughly 13 average adult males lying head to toe
  • The length of a standard railroad boxcar
  • The length of an articulated bus
  • Almost the length of a tractor-trailer truck
  • Close to the wingspan of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope

Here’s a handy table to help you convert 80 feet into other units:


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Understanding these comparisons helps us grasp the true scale of eighty feet and its significance in various contexts. Now, let’s explore nine fascinating things about 80 feet long!

9 Things That Measure 80 Feet: A Diverse Collection

1. Blue Whale

blue whale 80 feet

The blue whale, nature’s gentle giant, can reach lengths of up to 80 feet. As the largest animal ever known to have existed on Earth, these magnificent creatures are a testament to the wonders of evolution.

Key facts about blue whales:

  • Weight: Up to 200 tons (equivalent to about 33 elephants)
  • Heart size: As large as a small car
  • Tongue weight: Up to 3 tons (heavier than an average car)
  • Loudest animal on Earth: Their calls can reach 188 decibels

“The blue whale is not only the largest animal alive today, it’s the largest animal that has ever lived on Earth.” – Dr. Trevor Branch, University of Washington

These 80-foot long mammals play a crucial role in marine ecosystems, helping to maintain the balance of ocean life through their feeding habits and even their waste, which provides essential nutrients for phytoplankton.

2. Boeing 737-800

Boeing 737-500 80 feet

The Boeing 737-800, a staple of commercial aviation, measures exactly 80 feet in length. This narrow-body jet is part of the best-selling commercial jet airliner family in history.

Length80 feet (24.4 m)
Wingspan of a Boeing 737-800117 feet 5 in (35.8 m)
Height41 feet 3 in (12.6 m)
Seating capacity162-189 passengers
Range3,115 nautical miles (5,765 km)

The 80-foot length of the Boeing 737-800 is a testament to efficient design, balancing passenger capacity with aerodynamic performance. This aircraft’s size makes it versatile for both short and medium-haul flights, contributing to its popularity among airlines worldwide.

3. Regulation Ice Hockey Rink

ice Hockey Rink 80 feet

While a standard National Hockey League (NHL) ice hockey rink is 200 feet long, its width measures exactly 80 feet. This 80-foot width plays a crucial role in the dynamics of the game, influencing player strategies and game pace.

Ice hockey rink dimensions:

  • NHL rink width: 80 feet (24.4 m)
  • NHL rink length: 200 feet (61 m)
  • International rink width: 98.4 feet (30 m)
  • International rink length: 197 feet (60 m)

The narrower width of NHL rinks compared to international standards leads to more physical play and quicker transitions. This showcases how an 80-foot measurement can significantly impact sports dynamics and strategy.

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4. Redwood Tree

redwood trees 80 feet

While the tallest redwoods can exceed 350 feet, many mature coastal redwoods reach heights of around 80 feet. These giant sequoias are among the most impressive natural wonders on Earth, with their immense size playing a crucial role in forest ecosystems.

Redwood facts:

  • Age: Can live over 2,000 years
  • Trunk diameter: Up to 36 feet (11 m)
  • Bark thickness: Up to 12 inches (30 cm)
  • Tallest known living specimen: 380.1 feet (Hyperion)

An 80-foot redwood, while not among the tallest, still represents a significant presence in the forest. These trees provide habitat for numerous species, store massive amounts of carbon, and contribute to the unique characteristics of redwood forests.

5. Tyrannosaurus Rex

Tyrannosaurus Rex 80 feet

Based on fossil records, paleontologists estimate that the average T. Rex measured around 40 feet (12 meters) from snout to tail tip. To put this in perspective, 80 feet is about twice the length of a typical T. Rex, highlighting just how immense that distance truly is.

T. Rex size comparisons:

  • Height at the hips: 12-15 feet (3.6-4.6 meters)
  • Weight: 9-12 tons (8,160-10,900 kg)
  • Skull length: Up to 5 feet (1.5 meters)
  • Bite force: Estimated at up to 12,800 pounds (57,000 newtons)

Understanding that 80 feet is nearly double the length of one of the largest predators in Earth’s history emphasizes the sheer scale of such a measurement.

6. Singles Tennis Court

Singles Tennis Court 80 feet

A regulation singles tennis court measures 78 feet in length, just shy of our 80-foot focus. However, when we include the small overrun areas at each end, the total length often reaches or slightly exceeds 80 feet.

Tennis court dimensions:

Court TypeLengthWidth
Singles78 feet (23.77 m)27 feet (8.23 m)
Doubles78 feet (23.77 m)36 feet (10.97 m)

The precise measurements of tennis courts ensure fairness in competition and standardize the sport across different venues. The 80-foot total length, including overruns, provides players with crucial space for extreme shots and recovery.

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7. Brachiosaurus

The Brachiosaurus, a long-necked dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period, is estimated to have reached lengths of up to 80-85 feet. This impressive size made it one of the largest known dinosaurs of its time.

Brachiosaurus facts:

  • Height: Up to 40-50 feet (12-15 m)
  • Weight: 50-80 tons
  • Diet: Herbivorous
  • Period: Late Jurassic (154-153 million years ago)

The 80-foot length of Brachiosaurus provides insight into the scale of prehistoric life and the evolutionary adaptations that allowed such massive creatures to thrive. Its long neck, which contributed significantly to its length, allowed it to reach high vegetation that other dinosaurs couldn’t access.

8. Four London Double-Decker Buses

London Double-Decker Bus 80

A standard London double-decker bus measures approximately 20 feet in length. Therefore, four of these iconic vehicles parked end-to-end would span about 80 feet.

London double-decker bus facts:

  • Height: Approximately 14 feet (4.3 m)
  • Capacity: Up to 87 passengers
  • Introduction: 1829 (horse-drawn), 1923 (motorized)
  • Top speed: Around 50 mph (80 km/h)

This comparison not only helps visualize 80 feet but also highlights the efficiency of public transportation in urban transit. The double-decker design maximizes passenger capacity within limited road space, making these buses a crucial part of London’s urban landscape.

9. Half of a Cricket Pitch

Cricket Pitch 80

A standard cricket pitch measures 22 yards or 66 feet in length. While this falls short of 80 feet, it’s worth noting that the total playing area often extends beyond the pitch itself. The area from one set of stumps to the boundary behind them is typically around 80 feet.

Cricket field dimensions:

  • Pitch length: 22 yards (66 feet / 20.12 m)
  • Pitch width: 10 feet (3.05 m)
  • Minimum boundary size: 150 yards (137.16 m) perimeter

Understanding these dimensions provides insight into the strategic aspects of cricket, where the 80-foot distance from stumps to boundary plays a crucial role in fielding positions and scoring opportunities.

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Scientific and Engineering Applications of 80-Foot Measurements

The 80-foot length finds applications in various scientific and engineering fields:

  1. Construction and Architecture: In building height considerations, especially for mid-rise buildings and urban planning. An eight-story building typically reaches around 80 feet, influencing zoning laws and city skylines.
  2. Marine Biology: Used as a reference point in studying large marine species like whales and giant squids. Understanding the scale of 80 feet helps researchers develop appropriate research methodologies and conservation strategies for underwater life.
  3. Paleontology: Helps in reconstructing and understanding the size of prehistoric creatures. The 80-foot length of dinosaurs like T. Rex and Brachiosaurus provides context for their ecological roles and physical capabilities.
  4. Sports Facility Design: Crucial in creating standardized playing areas for various sports. The 80-foot width of ice hockey rinks and the near-80-foot length of tennis courts demonstrate the importance of precise measurements in sports. In baseball, the distance from home plate to first base is 90 feet, which is close to our 80-foot focus.
  5. Aviation Technology: The 80-foot length of aircraft like the Boeing 737-800 showcases the balance between passenger capacity, fuel efficiency, and airport compatibility in aircraft dimensions.
  6. Space Exploration: The wingspan of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope is approximately 79.7 feet, just shy of 80 feet. This measurement is crucial for the telescope’s stability and solar panel efficiency in space.
  7. Transportation Industry: The length of a standard railroad boxcar and the length of a tractor-trailer truck are both close to 80 feet, highlighting the importance of this measurement in freight transport and logistics.

Cultural and Historical Significance of 80-Foot Lengths

Several cultural and historical references relate to the 80-foot measurement:

  • The White House: While not exactly 80 feet, the iconic presidential residence measures 85 feet in width, showcasing the scale of important historical landmarks. This American government building has been the official residence of U.S. presidents since 1800.
  • Statue of Liberty: The copper statue itself, excluding the pedestal, stands at 151 feet, making 80 feet roughly half its height. Designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and Gustave Eiffel, this iconic monument has welcomed immigrants to New York Harbor since 1886.
  • Arc de Triomphe: This Parisian monument stands at 164 feet, with 80 feet marking approximately half its impressive stature. Commissioned by Napoleon in 1806, this triumph of French architecture honors those who fought for France, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars.

These examples demonstrate how the 80-foot measurement intersects with significant cultural and historical structures, providing a tangible reference for their impressive scales.

Challenges and Considerations at 80 Feet

When dealing with structures or objects at the 80-foot scale, several challenges and considerations come into play:

  1. Engineering Challenges:
  • Wind resistance becomes a significant factor for tall structures.
  • Material strength and support systems need careful consideration.
  • Elevator systems may be required for buildings of this height.
  1. Environmental Impacts:
  • Structures of this size can affect local ecosystems and wildlife.
  • Shadow cast by 80-foot objects can impact surrounding vegetation and urban planning.
  • Energy consumption for buildings of this height requires thoughtful design.
  1. Safety Considerations:
  • Fall protection becomes crucial at heights of 80 feet.
  • Emergency response and evacuation plans need to account for this scale.
  • Fire safety measures must be rigorously implemented.

“Designing for heights of 80 feet or more requires a delicate balance between structural integrity, functionality, and environmental impact.” – Dr. Emily Chen, Structural Engineer

Case Study: Surviving an 80 ft Fall

While it’s crucial to prioritize safety, understanding the potential outcomes of an 80-foot fall can provide valuable insights for emergency responders and safety planners.

Factors influencing survival from an 80 ft fall:

  • Landing surface (water, snow, solid ground)
  • Body position upon impact
  • Individual’s physical condition
  • Immediate medical response

A study published in the Journal of Trauma in 2003 found that falls from heights of 80 feet (about 8 stories) have a mortality rate of approximately 90%. However, there have been rare cases of survival from such heights, often attributed to fortunate landing circumstances and rapid medical intervention.

Conclusion: The Significance of 80 Feet in Our World

The 80-foot measurement appears in diverse contexts, from blue whales to Boeing 737s, and from redwood trees to tennis courts. This length helps us appreciate the scale of our environment and engineering feats. Whether marveling at natural wonders or human-made structures, the 80-foot measurement serves as a valuable reference point, bridging the gap between human scale and the awe-inspiring dimensions of our larger world.

By exploring these examples, we gain a newfound appreciation for the role of precise measurements in various fields, enhancing our understanding of the world around us. From architectural design to marine biology, from the aviation industry to sports measurements, the 80-foot length plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding of size and scale.

Interactive Element: 80-Foot Challenge

To help internalize the concept of 80 feet, try this simple exercise: Find an open space, like a park or a long hallway. Estimate what you think is 80 feet and mark the start and end points. Measure the actual distance using a long measuring tape or a smartphone app.

Compare your estimate to the actual measurement. This hands-on experience will help you develop a more intuitive understanding of the 80 feet length, making the examples in this article even more meaningful. Share your results and experiences in the comments below!

Remember, whether you’re designing the next architectural marvel, studying marine biology, or just trying to win your next trivia night, understanding the scale of 80 feet can give you a whole new perspective on the world around you. So go forth and measure with confidence – you’re now an 80-foot expert!

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